Similarly to other countries, the popularity of cycling is continuously increasing in Hungary. However, there is still a lot to improve in terms of cycling infrastructure and regulations until cycling can become a real alternative mode of transportation for the majority of the people. During the development process, it is important to ensure that the various cycling related projects are being implemented with adequate technical specifications and are being synchronized with each other, so they can better contribute to the realization of a long-term vision for a sustainable future.
To enhance strategic planning and cost-effectiveness, it became mandatory to elaborate a so-called Cycling Network Development Plan prior to any cycling infrastructure related project in Hungary (currently in case of the EU funded projects). The Cycling Network Development Plan helps to map out the critical bicycle related issues within a given territory based on the analysis on current traffic conditions, facilities and accident rates, therefore it is a useful tool to identify areas where cycling infrastructure development is required. Besides, it provides suggestions for implementing new cycling infrastructure, and includes recommendations for cost effective, small-scale adjustments in the existing traffic design that can effectively improve cycling environment.
The Cycling Network Development Plan provides a good opportunity to elaborate local transport strategies that support sustainable mobility. Finally, the development plan can be an efficient tool to educate decision-makers and engineers to put more focus on sustainable mobility, cyclists’ demand and traffic safety while implementing new projects in the future.
At Értékterv Ltd. we believe that the Cycling Network Development Plan can be exemplary for other countries, which are currently developing their cycling infrastructure. We hope that we can effectively help our colleagues and decision-makers globally by sharing our experiences in order to facilitate the development of an increasing number of bicycle-friendly infrastructure in the near future.
Máté SEBŐK - Zsolt BARNA