Értékterv Ltd. introduced the Hungarian Cycling Network Development Plan during the Velo-city cycling conference which was held in Dublin, June 2019. Within the last two years, our company has been involved in the elaboration of several Cycling Development Plans, including proposals for cycling routes in Budapest and cycling networks for tourism purposes in rural areas. On this basis, we wanted to share our good practices with colleagues from all around the world to show how strategic planning and development plans can improve cycling environment considerably even without significant expenditures.

Ertekterv Engineering Services & Consultancy Ltd. was founded in 2014 to provide professional solutions based on our core values in the areas of urban planning and transportation engineering. We believe that a human-centered approach is essential throughout any analysis and planning process to successfully implement infrastructure development projects.

Our goal is to actively contribute to the development of liveable and safe environment and promote sustainable development through our activities. Therefore, we pay special attention on projects related with cycling infrastructure and traffic safety. These projects constitute a significant part of the company’s work.

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